Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What it feels like to be free

I realise now what people have been telling me all along. The best thing about childhood and youth is the license to be carefree and bold. The courage to venture into the unknown; completely oblivious to reason and judgement. I used to think that being a teen was the pits. What sort of freedom can you expect when you're inundated with school, homework, tuition and the lot? I truly felt my high school education was a painful rite of passage. One that I had to grit my teeth and pull through in order to get to the other side - The start of the rest of my life. When I finished my final SPM paper, (I believe it was Economics); it was like gaining consciousness after a coma. A 17 year coma.

The exhilaration I felt when I contemplated all that lay before me is incomparable to any other feeling I've had since. It was effervescent like and let me in a state of giddy pleasure and thrill. My life truly began after high school.

The four months spent waiting for my results were nothing short of blissful. I had no cares or worries in the world. My days began at 10 am when I awoke and everything was open to me. I could have gone to the beach, or read a book, or go hiking or hit the mall or catch a movie or have breakfast and then crawl back to bed. My parents never got on my case to start researching college courses or get a job. They knew that it was important for me to relax and enjoy after months of exam stress and worry.They let me be. And that, is what it feels like to be free.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Is marriage a dying institution?

On the way to work one morning I was listening to the radio. For some reason or other, I was listening to Lite FM. The station of choice for the mature generation. Perhaps I was in the mood for some matured entertainment or perhaps I was feeling my age that morning. For your information, the stations have adjusted the demographics of their target audience. Hitz fm is now targeted at the 10-18 age group, Mix fm to the 19-25 age group and Lite fm for the 26+ age group. I fall in the latter category and therefore have voluntarily admitted myself as a ‘matured’ person. Anyway, the announcers were asking their question of the day and it was

“Is marriage a dying institution?”

My answer to that question is no. It is not a dying institution but it has definitely changed and evolved. The idea of marriage 50 years ago and today is very different. In todays modern world, people enter marriage because they have found a person with whom they can stomach the rest of their lives with. Decades ago, people, especially women entered into marriage for security and stability reasons. As a result, they put up with a lot more than most modern women would. Infidelity, ignorance, abuse – be it physical, verbal or emotional, abandonment, the list goes on. The modern woman, one who’s financially capable to support herself do not need to be tied down to a marriage to a man if these issues were to occur. She has the emancipation women 50 years ago could only dream of having.

Having said that, people ARE rushing into marriage BECAUSE it is so easy to get out of it. Divorce no longer carries the same stigma in our society as it used to. More and more young people are signing divorce papers before they hit 30 years of age. It is due in part, the pressure of society for young people to settle down and the romance most women place in the idea of weddings. Young women tend to get carried away with the minute details of an elaborate wedding and once it is over, the reality of marriage sinks in. Because divorce is so easy to obtain these days, young people don’t give a single lingering thought of leaping into a binding marriage contract and two seconds later renouncing that very same binding contract. 

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Give me more lazy Saturday mornings please.

The art of spending solo quality time is underrated. In this harried world that we live in, little or no attention is devoted to time out and reflection. It is indeed a lost art, one I am trying to revive in my weekends. People tend to feel guilty when they spend a few hours just indulging in a good book, listening to music or just spacing out in front of the TV. True, there are no great epiphanies to be had when one is not actively stimulated or engaged, but I think these 'sleep' modes are beneficial to a productive mind. 

When I spend time alone on my own, I get comfortable with my own company. I am able to think more deeply about issues that are bothering me and when I do get a soundwall mad enough to listen to me rant, I am far more articulate and able to disseminate precisely what is bothering me. 

Lazy Saturday mornings are perfect for getting up late, having brunch-either something light at home or an indulgent often greasy ones outdoors. It is perfect for catching up on your reading and listening to Louis Armstrong. 

After all, when you are single and free of any other obligations, Saturdays are yours to savor. The one day where you are allowed to submit to your every whim. It is your time to be selfish and do what you want to do. 

Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm not a superwoman

Everybody gets their tough breaks at work and teachers are no exception. I've heard many teachers lament this on more than one occasion. I just want to TEACH! Don't saddle me with reports, projects, marketing material, notice boards, display items and whatnot. This has NOTHING to do with teaching. Don't get mad when it's not up to a particular standard.

I would gladly take on more classes, more contact hours, if it meant the end of co-curricular activities, panel meetings, homework checklists, invigilation duties, taking attendance, tallying results, working on notice board displays, disciplining kids. The list goes on.

It's tough being a teacher these days and no matter how satisfying the job can be at the end of the day, when you are at the whims and fancies of someone who has other ideas on how teaching ought to be done, you will never be really working for yourself.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I have random anxiety attacks that seize me when I'm least expecting it. Sometimes the fear of growing old grips me and I'm petrified. Sometimes, I think about what it would be like to get up tomorrow and discover that I am afflicted with life changing disease. I've had several nightmares now of my parents dying, most notably my mum. I've woken up in tears, convinced that she was really gone.

As a little girl, I used to think about my future and when I thought about being a 20 something year old, I felt that I would be settled and self assured. I would have my life sorted and basically functioning as an 'adult' It still takes a while for it to sink in that I'm no longer allowed to be carefree and irresponsible. I don't envy my students because I know how crap being a teen can be. But I do miss the breezy, devil-may-care attitude that comes naturally with bullet proof youth.

As a child, I've run away from home a couple of times - always to my best friends' home 4 doors down. Wasn't very imaginative but so there. Once, I had my bag packed and was walking to the bus stop when I had to turn back when I realised I didn't have enough money for the bus fare. Obviously my planning skills needed some work. As I grew older, I have come to realise that I was always planning an escape hatch. Always anticipating how I was going to leave whenever I came to a new place, or found myself in a new situation. Perhaps subconsciously, I've also had pre-conceived exit plans whenever I was in a relationship.
Some definitely felt like it was over even before it started.

 It is clear that if I lived in an earlier civilization, at the first sign of conflict, I would have taken flight and not fight. Running away just seemed so much easier, even if it didn't solve anything in the long run. This, of course is not doing me any favors and earned me the reputation of being 'flighty' With age and wisdom, I am focusing on sharpening my reflexes so that I can defend myself when life throws me a curve ball.

The life carousel

Sometimes, I think life is one big carousel. We go in circles and never really get anywhere. What is the point in anything anyway? I've never been a subscriber of pessimist views, but I've been reading the views of Nietzche and sadly he has a point (or rather lack of) He claims that life is meaningless and that God is dead. We are doomed to repeat a cycle over and over again and that humans cannot really progress from their current state. The way things are, are just the way it is supposed to be. A status quo.

There could be nothing worse than living in status quo to me. The very idea that any current misery that may be plaguing me will never end; it's nothing short of hell.

I've always believed that I may not be in control of the situation I am in, but I can control how I feel about it. That casts everything into a different light. So as I ride this endless merry-go-round that spins and turns with highs and lows, I'm determined to enjoy the ride.

Monday, May 17, 2010

You don't know me anymore

Memories that linger in the corners of my mind
Bittersweet memories that refuse to fade
In my moments of darkness, I remember the times and 
I am glad, it lifts me up because I am no longer in that place

The sound of my own heart breaking
Pierces the air and shatters the night
It's all black and unmoving
Time has stopped and for that moment, I was dead. 

You said you were sorry
You said forgive me
You said I am begging for another chance
You said you still love me

Our love was like a season 
A season past its time
That magical season that will never return
Because of you

My heart is not bitter
It will not shrivel up because of what you did
You do not have the power to do or take away anything from me
Because my wounded heart is mine and mine alone
Like a phoenix, it will rise from the shattered pieces
And triumph over your lowly deed and cold, cold heart

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My first love

I’m just going to say it. Patrick Swayze was my very first love. Ok, first celebrity crush. Talk about falling for an older man.  When Dirty Dancing premiered, I was a mere five year old. What do I know about boys and crushes?  The defining moment was when I turned nine. Ghost premiered in the State cinema – those who grew up in Petaling  Jaya in the 90’s will know that it was THE cinema in town.  To an impressionable nine year old child, going to the movies was like stepping into another world. A world of wonder and intrigue where the characters are larger than life and indeed life seemed larger than life.
The memory is vividly etched in my mind. It was a rainy Saturday evening and my father was driving to the State cinema. My mother and my older female cousin were in the car with us. They were trying to persuade my dad to watch the movie to which my dad vehemently refused, saying it was a chick flick. (Well he didn’t use those words specifically, but it was something to that effect.)
I was excited. The movie received a lot of hype, as a wonderfully romantic love story. There were even rumours of mild nudity scenes included in the movie!  Needles to say, I was thrilled to be watching Ghost. It made me feel like a grown up.  Before disembarking from the car, my dad handed us a box of tissues.
“Here, you are going to need this”
Stepping into the cinema armed with popcorn and Coke, I settled happily into my seat and watched eagerly as the scenes unfolded before me.  It didn’t take long for me to notice the handsome leading man.  His name was Sam. I watched in dismay as he was killed early in the movie but was revived in the following scenes as a ghost.  The pottery scene mesmerised me. It was delicate, intimate,  bittersweet and accompanied by a song that will forever stick in my mind as the most romantic love song ever.  It was then that I felt the first flutter of a crush. It was an awakening of a more adult nature that paralysed me with delirium.
It was at that point where my mum and my cousin reached for their tissues.  I guess I was too young then to comprehend that he wasn’t physically there with the woman he loves. To my undeveloped senses, it was a just a beautiful love scene.  Yet, not wanting to be left out, I cried too, without really knowing why.
Years later, whenever I re watch the movie, it never fails to trigger my tears.  This time, the tears are accompanied with a tug at my heartstrings.  I felt for Molly - the wrenching feeling of abandonment and loneliness.  The saying “The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right there with them and knowing that you can never be with them” never rang truer in this case.
Stepping out of the cinema, I noticed there wasn’t a single dry eye leaving the building. My cousin was still dabbing her eyes and my mum’s eyes were red and sore.  My dad was waiting for us at the kerb with a smirk on his face when he saw our tear stained ones.  From then on, I lapsed into a pre-teen moody phase. I wore black clothing and claimed to want to see ghosts, so that I could see Sam. 

I did see ‘Sam’ again. A couple of years later – only this time he wasn’t Sam, but Johnny Castle.  A smooth talking heartbreaker who could move with the combination of grace and sensuality on the dance floor.   It was as though he moved on to match my adolescent growth.  From a sweet sensitive man, to a sensuous lady’s man.  I realise that chronologically, this is incorrect as Dirty Dancing was an earlier film, but I am glad that I saw Sam before Johnny. It was like seeing him come back to life, with a fun personality and scorching hot physique to match.
Dirty Dancing was a whole different experience.  How he probed Baby to be more confident through the dancing lessons.  The exploration of their love and her sexual awakening.  How Baby encouraged Johnny to break out from his stereotype. The feeling of weightlessness as Johnny lifts Baby up in the air in their triumphant dance.  I wanted to be Baby so badly.
A couple of years ago, while walking the streets of West End trying to decide which play to see, I saw a poster in Piccadilly theatre for Guys and Dolls featuring none other than Patrick Swayze! The decision made, I marched straight in to get a ticket. That night, I walked into the auditorium with butterflies in my stomach. I was finally going to see Sam/Johnny! As the curtain came up, an announcement was made over the PA stating that an understudy will be playing Patrick Swayze’s role of Nathan Detroit as Mr. Swayze was ill. I was crushed that my crush will not be appearing that night. I still managed to enjoy the show though.
Patrick Swayze has cemented his place in my heart and mind. To me, he portrays characters who display the best qualities of a man. His ability to portray them so convincingly on screen must mean that it comes naturally from within him. That makes him a beautiful man inside and out.  Ever since Ghost, Patrick Swayze has held a piece of my heart. With his passing, he takes that piece with him.

Rest well Patrick. xxx

Saturday, May 8, 2010

In the mood for love

I wrote this a couple of months ago to submit to OM. Romantic comedies are my favorite movie genre. It may not be intellectually stimulating or have original plot lines, but I love it all the same. It's like a guilty indulgence. For two hours, you can get lost into a movie and really believe in such extraordinary love/life circumstances. The best  types are ones that have a twist. As a viewer, I don't really enjoy happy endings because they are utterly predictable. That is why movies like Prime and Bridges of Madison County are especially good. The bittersweet themes of love lost resonates with me. I must be pretty tragic to enjoy watching such heartbreaking movies. Ok, so they may not be romantic COMEDIES, but they are romance driven. 

It just occurred to me, Shallow Hal is probably the most brilliant of all romantic comedies, closely followed with Something's Gotta give, Love Actually and Bridget Jones Edge of Reason. 

  • Shallow Hal- The movie was interesting because it really proves that love can be blind. How liberating would it be to not conform to society's views on what constitutes beauty? It got me thinking, that love is possible with anyone regardless of how they look. If only I had the same ability to have 24/7 beer goggles on. 
  • Something's gotta give - Well, my views on this very brilliant movie is below. :) 
  • Love Actually - Another brilliant film that showcases the various forms of romantic love. I think the message that Love is all around is very powerful and serves as a reminder that modern life takes so much from us daily that we are unable to appreciate or indulge in the love that surrounds us everyday.
  • Bridget Jones - Confession: I am able to relate to Bridget. Our lives are scarily parallel in so many ways.  

Top 10 romance movies in Geraldine’s humble opinion.

10.  Casablanca – Apart from spawning cult one liners, it was one of the original love stories that ended in heartbreak as an individual proves his love for a woman by letting her go. This ultimate self sacrifice has shaped my notion about how love is sometimes selfless.

9. A Walk to Remember – Pays homage to the Love Story theme where young lovers are rendered with the impossible situation of losing one another to a fatal illness. Their conviction in their love inspires me to look beyond the mundane petty things that may sometimes cloud a relationship.

8. The Way We Were – A story about how opposites attract. Despite the odds, Katie (Barbara Streisand) and Hubbell (Robert Redford) fall in love and embark on a tumultuous relationship. Ultimately, what attracted them to one another was the reason behind the crumble of their relationship. However, it speaks volumes about how certain issues could be overlooked and how love can sometimes transcend even the most convicted card carrying Marxist!

7.  Only You – This movie is saccharine sweet and has universal appeal. It is also very 90’s Hollywood driven blockbuster. Nonetheless, the setting is beautiful (Venice and Positano)The protagonist Faith has faith in fate. She believes in soul mates and is convinced that she was meant to be with one Damon Bradley. The movie chronicles her misadventures as she chases the mysterious Damon Bradley around Italy and along the way meets a man named Peter Wright. I believe the writer was using puns with the names of the characters. Faith who believes in fate and destiny wholeheartedly and Peter Wright who had the wrong name initially, but ended up being Mr. Right 

6. Bridges of Madison County – The irreplaceable Meryl Streep stars in this movie that has opened my eyes to the possibility that some love affairs, no matter how brief can last a lifetime in a person’s memory and heart. A story of sacrifice and forbidden love, it paints a very real picture of unhappy couples in dysfunctional relationships everywhere who engage in secret love affairs but as a sense of duty, choose to end the affair for the sake of the family unit.

5. You’ve Got Mail – You just can’t go wrong with this combination. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. What’s not to love? Sleepless in Seattle was another good movie but this one has trumps Sleepless for various reasons. It does not start off as a romantic movie. Both individuals are strong, career minded people and they enjoy witty banter. I suppose this movie struck a chord in me as I ADORE witty banter. Although the ending is thoroughly predictable, it is the journey that enthrals me. The exchange of ideas and opinions on culture and books. The snide comments made to one another. It’s a great romantic comedy that merits a view (or twenty and counting)

4. Something’s Gotta Give - This is a real gem of 21st century romantic comedy. It comments on very real issues that stem from centuries old stereotypes and presents them in a modern context. It has enough twists to make it interesting to watch with a healthy dose of culture to inspire me to live the finer life. There are hilarious role reversals and honest commentary on modern relationships that cling to some traditional stereotypes.  The paradoxes in the movie are enough to get me in stitches, every time I watch it. 

3. The Notebook - A story of undying loyalty and devotion. Noah and Ally were truly made for one another and have weathered the predictable storms early in their relationship to find and make something last. He from a working class background; and she a Southern debutante. What makes this movie exceptional from the usual star crossed lovers of contrasting backgrounds is the enduring love they have for one another. Their love prevailed objection from her family, wartime, her imminent engagement, their differing temperaments and many more.

2. Pretty Woman – The ultimate grown-up Cinderella tale. Despite the gritty secondary themes; prostitution, drugs and Sunset Strip, this movie still managed to emerge a shining example of a modern love story where people are able to change one another for the better regardless of their background. The movie confronted the hardships both characters had to endure but portrayed them in a believable yet comical way.  The chemistry between Richard Gere and Julia Roberts was ultimately the clincher for this movie that made it one of the most memorable romantic movies in my book.

1.  French Kiss – This might not be anybody’s idea of a romantic story. For one, the protagonist, Meg Ryan spends the better part of the movie chasing her fiancĂ© in Paris trying to convince him to return to her after he dumped her for a French woman while on a business trip to Paris. She meets Luc who has his own agenda in befriending her and the both of them embark on a hilarious goose chase around France tracking down the elusive and philandering Charlie.            What makes this movie my top choice is purely setting and plotline.  It was a beautifully shot film, incorporating many themes near that are near and dear to my heart. As for plotline, it inspires me to think about love in another angle, and not be consumed with the idea that there is one ‘perfect’ one for me out there, This movie has taught me that even the best laid plans can fall apart and the only way to live is joie the vivre!

Other honourable mentions:

Love Story
Notting Hill
The Bodyguard
Titanic –Lame, I know but still manages to tug at the heartstrings
When Harry met Sally
The English Patient
Gone with the wind
A very long engagement
Love Actually