Saturday, May 22, 2010

Give me more lazy Saturday mornings please.

The art of spending solo quality time is underrated. In this harried world that we live in, little or no attention is devoted to time out and reflection. It is indeed a lost art, one I am trying to revive in my weekends. People tend to feel guilty when they spend a few hours just indulging in a good book, listening to music or just spacing out in front of the TV. True, there are no great epiphanies to be had when one is not actively stimulated or engaged, but I think these 'sleep' modes are beneficial to a productive mind. 

When I spend time alone on my own, I get comfortable with my own company. I am able to think more deeply about issues that are bothering me and when I do get a soundwall mad enough to listen to me rant, I am far more articulate and able to disseminate precisely what is bothering me. 

Lazy Saturday mornings are perfect for getting up late, having brunch-either something light at home or an indulgent often greasy ones outdoors. It is perfect for catching up on your reading and listening to Louis Armstrong. 

After all, when you are single and free of any other obligations, Saturdays are yours to savor. The one day where you are allowed to submit to your every whim. It is your time to be selfish and do what you want to do. 

1 comment:

  1. submit to every whim? oh yes, submit to my whims please... ahaks... just kidding :)
