Friday, May 21, 2010

I'm not a superwoman

Everybody gets their tough breaks at work and teachers are no exception. I've heard many teachers lament this on more than one occasion. I just want to TEACH! Don't saddle me with reports, projects, marketing material, notice boards, display items and whatnot. This has NOTHING to do with teaching. Don't get mad when it's not up to a particular standard.

I would gladly take on more classes, more contact hours, if it meant the end of co-curricular activities, panel meetings, homework checklists, invigilation duties, taking attendance, tallying results, working on notice board displays, disciplining kids. The list goes on.

It's tough being a teacher these days and no matter how satisfying the job can be at the end of the day, when you are at the whims and fancies of someone who has other ideas on how teaching ought to be done, you will never be really working for yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed!
    I actually want to write a companion piece to this one, but I usually get too angry when I write about teachers. Will think it through first...
