Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Simple joys

Some of my favorites:

  1. Getting up when my body tells me it's time to wake up and not being 'told' to wake up by the alarm. 
  2. Having my face or hand licked by my dog.
  3. Sitting home on a Friday night with a good movie and some snacks.
  4. Finishing an enthralling book.
  5. Marking a brilliant essay.
  6. Coffee with some of my best mates.
  7. Listening to jazz whilst it is raining or when the weather is cool and grey.
  8. The smell of my favorite food cooking.
  9. A really good cardio workout.
  10. A cuddle from someone I care about. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

A dogmatic approach to education

I have a real problem with people who value decorum and appropriateness over true bonds and interaction. This comes from the old school thinking that education goes hand in hand with building character and instilling moral values. It also comes from power and control. A repressive environment is never conducive to education, especially not in modern times. Especially when we are preaching inclusiveness, inquiry and independent learning. By dictating rules and regulations to students, we are setting them down one single path, one that is riddled with structure and prohibitions. 

I understand that students need boundaries, but I draw the line at making them obey seemingly petty rules and procedures. It shows that we are inflexible and unaccommodating, two traits I absolutely detest in others and a sure deal breaker if I were to meet anyone; male or female. If you are an uptight, controlling, anal retentive piece of shit, don't bother talking to me. 

If you think that education is best delivered with a heavy hand, one that demands, not earns students respect, impose ridiculous boundaries and believes that true education should not be considered 'fun' from a students' point of view; you have no business being part of a child's educational experience. Piss off to the nearest prison and apply to be the warden or something. 

When life starts to feel like an obligation.

I'm starting to feel like living my life is a chore, one that has to be endured and not enjoyed. That can't be good. It takes a step back to reflect on the bigger picture to realise that there is soemthing more to this life than just living out the responsibilities and should do's that life dictates to us and expects of us.

I always seem to come back to this theme. It got me thinking that this recurring thought must be triggered from my unconscious side to break free of the life obligations that may or may not have been thrust upon me. I don't believe I have overbearing parents who have unrealistic expectations of me. The pressures that I feel are self inflicted and stems from environment, peer pressure and my own silly neurosis.

Perhaps Sylvia Plath is to blame for my current self gloom. I have never looked at life in the negative perspective before and now, I'm trying it on for the first time. Strangely enough (and it scares me too) I'm enjoying this self loathe and misery. It's like revisiting the angst y person I left behind years ago. However, this is a darker, more broody side. One that, if not controlled, could consume me.