Monday, August 16, 2010

A dogmatic approach to education

I have a real problem with people who value decorum and appropriateness over true bonds and interaction. This comes from the old school thinking that education goes hand in hand with building character and instilling moral values. It also comes from power and control. A repressive environment is never conducive to education, especially not in modern times. Especially when we are preaching inclusiveness, inquiry and independent learning. By dictating rules and regulations to students, we are setting them down one single path, one that is riddled with structure and prohibitions. 

I understand that students need boundaries, but I draw the line at making them obey seemingly petty rules and procedures. It shows that we are inflexible and unaccommodating, two traits I absolutely detest in others and a sure deal breaker if I were to meet anyone; male or female. If you are an uptight, controlling, anal retentive piece of shit, don't bother talking to me. 

If you think that education is best delivered with a heavy hand, one that demands, not earns students respect, impose ridiculous boundaries and believes that true education should not be considered 'fun' from a students' point of view; you have no business being part of a child's educational experience. Piss off to the nearest prison and apply to be the warden or something. 


  1. The new arrival sounds like quite a piece of work. Even though I have never met him, I already have a pretty good idea of what he's like through the things people have been saying about him. I guess we were lucky with Shaw after all...
    British education is in the sorry state it is precisely because of people like the new arrival.

  2. I have never comprehended just how prick-ly they could be when you were exhorting the evils of British educators until now.

    Shaw is Santa Clause compared to this one.
