Tuesday, March 30, 2010

When doing it in the name of charity seems like a thankles task.

I am not a naturally philantrophic person. I have no inclination to perform weekly charity labor. This is a very bad thing to admit because I am a CAS coordinator and I am supposed to be inspiring my students to be more active in community service. Yet, I am an apathetic when it comes to charity of any kind.

I have to say that I am quite suspicious over people's solicitation for donations and acts of charity. This is what living in Kuala Lumpur will do to you. And because I have this mindset, it is highly ironic then that I am currently engaged in a charity project to raise funds for an orphanage. My inner reluctance towards anything remotely philantrophic has reared its ugly head subconciously. It just feels like a massively huge task. A monster that can't be tamed and it keeps growing bigger and bigger everyday.

You start to wonder if the money raised is worth all the effort that is going in? In my heart of hearts, I think not. The very cynical part of me knows that this project is doomed for failure and there is no way of pushing it towards something that will work. God help me, I am performing a thankless task!

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